Additive Manufacturing
(3D Printing)


Additive Manufacturing – also known as 3D printing – has opened doors to engineering designs never before possible. We help you get from your design to full production, saving you time and money as we work together to bring your idea to market.


Think It.

You have a great idea, and whether you have FDA-approved CAD drawings ready, or a paper sketch of existing part modifications, we can help you bring that idea to reality.


Prepare It.

There are many considerations that need to be addressed before geometry can be 3D printed in metal. Support structure strategies, build orientation, part consolidation for reduced weight, and more. All these are part of “Design for Additive Manufacturing” (DfAM) principles that our team of engineers can provide you*.

*Not applicable for aerospace standard.


Print It.

Our Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) printers use a high power-density laser to melt and fuse metallic powders together to create devices and parts. We offer dedicated Cobalt Chrome and Titanium printers to our customers for regulated Aerospace and Medical applications.


Make It.

Parts are removed from the build plate and finished to your specifications. Polishing, sand-blasting, threading, and even mirror-finishing of metal parts is possible in this phase of production.

Metal Materials

Titanium Powder at 150x zoom captured using our Scanning Electron Microscope

Every metal part and device we manufacture starts out as microscopic powder as small as 15 microns. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) uses a high power-density laser to melt and fuse these metallic powders together.

The process starts by slicing the 3D CAD file data into layers, usually from 20 to 100 micrometres thick, creating a 2D image of each layer; this file format is the industry standard .stl file used on most layer-based 3D printing or stereolithography technologies. This file is then loaded into a file preparation software package that assigns parameters, values and physical supports that allow the file to be interpreted and built by different types of additive manufacturing machines.

  • Aluminium AlSi10Mg
    Light Metal for Motorsports and Aerospace Interior Applications
  • Aluminium AlSi10Mg/200 °C
    Light Metal for Motorsports and Aerospace Interior Applications
  • CobaltChrome MP1
    CoCrMo Super Alloy for High-Temperature Engineering and Biomedical Applications
  • CobaltChrome SP2
    CE-Certified CoCrMo Super Alloy for Dental Applications
  • MaragingSteel MS1
    High-Performance Steel for Tooling and Mechanical Engineering
  • NickelAlloy HX
    Nickel-Alloy for Aerospace and Industry
  • NickelAlloy IN625
    Nickel-Chromium Alloy for Aerospace, Motorsports and Industry
  • NickelAlloy IN718
    Nickel Alloy for Aerospace and Industry
  • StainlessSteel 17-4PH
    Highly Abrasion Resistant Stainless Steel for Medical
  • StainlessSteel CX
    Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel for Tooling
  • StainlessSteel GP1
    Stainless Steel for Mechanical Engineering and Medical
  • StainlessSteel PH1
    Hardenable Stainless Steel for Mechanical Engineering and Medical Technology
  • StainlessSteel 316L
    Corrosion-Resistant Stainless Steel Alloy for Medical, Lifestyle and Aerospace
  • ​Titanium Ti64
    Ti6Al4V Light Metal for Aerospace, Motorsports and Biomedical Applications
  • Titanium Ti64ELI
    Light Metal Alloy for Medical and Aerospace
  • Titanium TiCP grade 2
Cross Section
Diameter (Microns)
150 Average Human Hair
30 Titanium Powder
15 Aluminum Powder


DMLS Metal 3D Printing

EOS M290

Our EOS M290 printers are the benchmark for the industrial 3D printing of high-quality metal parts. With fast, flexible and cost-effective production of metal parts directly from CAD data, these machines are ideal for manufacturing highly complex DMLS components ensuring homogeneous part properties from part-to-part, job-to-job and machine-to-machine.

Polymer 3D Printing

Formlabs Form 3B

Our fleet of over 100 Form 3B printers are an advanced desktop 3D printer optimized for biocompatible materials. They are able to quickly produce precise medical components using photopolymer resin at a resolution of 25 microns.

Interested in the benefits of Metal Additive Manufacturing? Let’s partner on your next project!